Sunday, December 1, 2013


Deep down I really love this time of year. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  Not for the food or football, but because I love the idea of having a holiday wholly dedicated to giving thanks.  I believe that those who learn to have an "attitude of gratitude" are among the most blessed of all people.  They recognize the blessings they have received and are happy and content.  In our society it can be hard to be like this.  We often compare ourselves to others and see what we lack instead of being grateful for all we have. I'm definitely guilty of this, but I'm trying to do better, and somehow I would like to instill a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation in my children.

On thanksgiving morning Ben and I hit the gym for a Zumba class  It was crowded, but super fun!  (Ben is the best husband ever for going to with me.  Wish I had it on video.) Then we met up with Nick at McDonalds for breakfast.  There were two missionaries ordering food when we walked in, so we payed for theirs too.  I love opportunities like that!  Then we headed up to my parent's house.  This year we just had Qyntn with us for Thanksgiving and we enjoyed a lovely feast with my family.  Thanks to my parents and sisters for the wonderful food.  It was delicious!

Thursday evening we actually went out to do some Christmas shopping.  It was my first experience with "Black Friday,"  although it wasn't even Friday.  We found some good deals at Toys R Us and spent about 45 minutes in line waiting to check out.  Friday morning we went to another Zumba class (much less crowded and even more fun) and then hit up Kmart.  Happy to say that we are just about finished with our Christmas shopping and the presents are wrapped and under the tree, YAY!   Now hopefully I will be able to relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

Friday evening we went to my brother's house for pizza, ice cream and ping pong.  Good times!

Ben won the family ping pong tournament...
these are his winnings.  

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