Monday, March 31, 2014

Youth Conference

I have been serving in the YW presidency in our ward for about 2 years now and I am loving it.  The young women are sweet and so much fun!  Over the weekend I got to go to Youth Conference at Aspen Grove near Sundance.  It was a great experience.  Since the church seems to be focusing on 'hastening the work," our theme was "Called to Serve."  Each of the youth received a mission call and we spent time studying the scriptures and planning lessons as though we were in the MTC preparing to serve.  It was fun to think back on my experiences as a missionary and to observe the young women prepare lessons.  One of the things I loved best about the conference was watching how the young women came together as a group.  Although their backgrounds are diverse, and they have their other groups of friends outside of church, they came together and really looked out for one another.  It was awesome!  I'm super grateful I got to go, and really looking forward to camp this summer. 

Our fun group of young women

Love working with Angela and Stephanie, great leaders!

Just before we went cross-country skiing.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

February/March Madness

I love February/March because it's basketball season for Ben.  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE going to his games to support and watch him play..he's still a pretty decent player.  Sometimes things get a little out of hand and contentious, but for the most part, it's fun to watch him do what he loves.  This year Ben played in 4 leagues so we spent lots of evenings at games.  His team made it to the championship game in 3 of the 4 leagues but lost them all, bummer!  I worry sometimes that he will get injured and that will be it for basketball, but this year his only major injury was a tooth through his lip caused by a hard elbow to the face.  Sometimes I wish I had been around for his "glory" years, but I'm glad I'm here now.

40 and Feeling Fabulous!


I turned 40 last week so I guess I'm officially an old fart. The good news is that I feel fabulous...maybe even better than ever!  I woke up Wednesday morning with a zit on my chin and thought, I might be 40, but I still feel like a teenager and get zits like a teenager and that's awesome!

Ben and the girls brought me breakfast in bed...a sausage egg biscuit from McDonalds, DELICIOUS!  Then I spent the morning doing something I absolutely love, Zumba!  I have found a way to work out that is fun and puts me in a fantastic mood, and it's something I can do for at least the next 20 years, yay!

Then I went shopping...not my favorite thing, but I thought I should get myself a new shirt or something to wear on my birthday, and I found one for 10 bucks, yipee!

When I got home there was a knock at the door and a large package, what a great day!  I had been wanting a good blender for a long time.  I even considered getting a Blendtec or Vitamix (super expensive, high end) but knew we really couldn't afford it.  So I did some research online and saw that Consumer Report ranked the Ninja blender just as high as the Vitamix but for only $60 bucks.  My parents had given me fifty for my birthday, so I ordered it and it arrived one day early...perfect.  Sometimes things do work out just right! Thanks mom and dad.

The afternoon was spent taking selfies, for posterity, and reading lots of lovely messages from friends and family.  When the kids got home we opened presents and had ice cream cake.  They got me some awesome gifts and were super sweet.  Ayz had a volleyball game that evening so we went to that, then grabbed a bite at Panda Express, not my fave, but the kids complained when I said I wanted to go to Zupas, so we went there instead.  Finally we went to support my nephew in his championship basketball game, I think he was very happy we went, which makes me very happy.

I have a feeling that the 40's are going to be my best years yet!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fairy Tea Party

Friday night I took my little fairies to a tea party.  To start the evening the girls had a splendid time transforming themselves into fairies. Once we arrived we did our fair share of fluttering and curtseying, the little fairies got to meet the fairy king, and we enjoyed some dainty treats while practicing our fairy manners.  The girls seemed to have a lovely time and asked if we can go again next year.  I guess we shall see...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Qyntn's Baby Blessing

Yesterday, March 2, Ben blessed Qyntn in our home.  We got to have all the kids there and both sets of grandparents, and it was very special.  I was a bit worried Qyntn wouldn't sit still for the blessing, so I held him on my lap and gave him a bottle and he did great.  Ben got a little choked up, and I have to admit I shed a few tears.  Qyntn is such a wonderful gift and addition to our family.  So glad his daddy holds the priesthood and can bless our children.  I love Ben, and our sweet baby so much!