Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Child's Prayer

Our family sang in sacrament meeting in our new ward.  I just happened to sit next to the music coordinator on our first week in the ward and she asked if I would be willing to throw something together.  I happily agreed, because we already had something prepared, but I knew Ben wouldn't be happy about it.  We sang "A Child's Prayer," just like before. 

On the day of the performance we arrived early to practice, but our pianist was a no show.  We tried to practice a little without her, but Qyntn kept grabbing the mic and pulling it to his mouth to scream into it.  When we pulled him away he cried and cried.  I was a bit of a nervous wreck after that, worried that if we took Q up to sing with us he would throw a tantrum, not to mention we didn't get a chance to practice.

I said a lot of silent prayers during the first part of the meeting.  Qyntn calmed down because a nice woman behind us kept putting stickers on his hand, he loved them.  When we got up to sing he brought them with him.  To start the song all of the kids sang the first part in Spanish and it was beautiful. Last time we sang, listening to them sing in Spanish made me cry, but this time I was able to hold it together, no tears and sang my part with Ayzha, Alyssa, and Reyn without any problems.  Ben was holding Qyntn in his arms.  Just as his part started Q started putting stickers all over Ben's face.  I tried to help out by taking Qyntn away from Ben, but Q dropped the stickers and screamed out.  I prayed it wouldn't turn into an all out tantrum.  Luckily the speaker behind us picked up the stickers and handed them to Q and he quieted down.  The whole time I was thinking...just keep singing.  I tried to hold Qyntn in my arms during the last part, but he was squirming so much that I finally set him down.  Next thing you know, his little head popped up in front by Tiago, happy and a clam.  Somehow we made it through and it turned out awesome.

The Bishop remarked on how impressive it was to hear the kids sing with such enthusiasm. So many others remarked that it was their favorite musical number ever.  Very entertaining for sure!

That night Ben received a text message from a friend in the ward that said, "Daughter prayed tonight and said, "Thankful for the family that sang in sacrament, that was my favorite song and it made me feel good and smile."  You never know how good of an impression a song can make on a kid.  Thanks to you and Shannon for doing it."

 I loved HIS child's prayer!

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