Friday, July 31, 2015

Surprise Surprise! Birthday Boy

Gift #1:  birthday massage
No one should go through life without
experiencing a professional massage.
He enjoyed it!

Gift #2 a bike
So we took a lovely bike ride
out to the lake.
We grabbed pizza and went to
Bridal Veil for dinner

and since he hates cake
we got him a cazookie, yum!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Q Conquered the "Y"!

Whenever Q sees the "Y" on the mountain he says it's an airplane and that he wants to touch it.  Today I decided to give him that opportunity.  I wasn't sure he would make it, but he was a good little hiker, he made it 80% on his own, what a stud!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Mom and Q at the Zoo

Alyssa and Holly are off with their dad at Pensacola Beach.  Ayzha, Tiago, and Reyn are off with their mom at Lake Powell.  So Q and I went to the zoo. 

Train ride!

Zoorasic Park

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Boys Night Out!

I love that Ben loves our kids enough to spend time with them.  He is such a great dad!

I hear Q loved the froggy ride
so much that he went on it 8 times

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Pioneer Day BBQ in the Garden

We love our neighbors!

The Pass of All Passes!

You have no idea how grateful I am for cheap entertainment for our family.  The Pass of all Passes has been a summer maker for us.  We've been to Seven Peaks more than 15 times this year, all for the low price of $19.99 per person. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

One Down, One to Go

This summer we have 2 Fuller family reunions.  The first was in Lava, Idaho over the weekend.  It was a mix of chaos and fun.   The best part was floating the river...

Ben and I got to go on a float date.  We decided to put in a little higher, since we didn't have kids with us, which took us over some sketchy waterfalls (wish I had a pic to post).  My heart was racing a bit, I admit, but we survived. 

Typical of most family reunions, we played games...

The girls got dolled up...

and on the last day we visited the Soda Springs Geyser...

The kids wished we could have stayed in Lava forever, or at least a few more days! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Centralia High School Class of '95

Ben and I took a quick trip to Centralia for his 20 year high school reunion over the weekend....

Night one:  mingle at some local bars...

ran into coach Gilmore

Night two: the main event complete with slide show, dancing, 90's throwback music, mascot, awards, food, and photo booth was super fun, especially for Ben.

Nerd Herd...or as they like to call it, APEX

Ben won a $50 Nike gift card for having the most kids.  Lyle Overbay contested, since his 6th child will arrive any day and Ben didn't "put in the leg work" to get all of his.  It was a fun little exchange...

Day 3:  family picnic and goodbyes

My favorite part was the photo booth...

All of his classmates were welcoming and fun.  We had a great time!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Heaven Sent!

Yesterday started out rough.  I rarely, if ever, get enough sleep, but the night before last was even worse than usual.  We had watched a somewhat disturbing movie and I had hardly slept a wink.  When my alarm went off in the morning I wanted to pull the covers over my head and call in sick...or tired, but I eventually dragged myself out of bed, got the girls to their golf lesson and hit the gym.  Then, even though I was running on fumes, I decided to take the kids to the Museum of Natural Curiosity, which turned out to be somewhat of a disaster.  I really needed a nap.  Luckily Ben had decided to work from home for the afternoon, so as soon as we got home I headed to bed and slept for 3 hours.  When I woke up Ben had mopped and vacuumed the floors, made dinner, and ordered me to sit down and not lift a finger, he said would take care of everything.  A little while later I got a phone call from his brother Nick who asked if I would do him a favor.  He wanted me to bring him 2 eggs and told me that he had a surprise for Ben that I should pick up.  So, like any good sister-in-law, I jumped in the car with my 2 eggs.  When I got there, he handed me this card...

I returned home and this was taped to the front door...

I opened the door and followed a trail of hearts and gifts down the stairs to where I could hear classical music playing.  At the end of the trail were flowers, candles and a massage table.  Ben had hired my friend and neighbor to give me a massage.  It was heavenly!

Ben is heaven sent!  He is the sweetest, most thoughtful guy I have ever known.  He does this kind of stuff for me all the time.  He may be a little rough around the edges, but his heart is as good as they come.