Sunday, January 31, 2016


Being sealed in the temple was the perfect excuse for finally going on our honeymoon!  We researched many different places but decided on a western Caribbean cruise.  Ben had never been cruising and I just knew that he would love it.  I was right!  We had a wonderful time.  I had Ben all to myself, naps every day, all the food you could ever want, sunshine, music, comedy, laughter, time to read.  It was heavenly!

Carnival Breeze

Ben won the "knock out" tournament
and the soccer tournament

Windy day at Sea

Elegant dining

LOVED this candid shot in Jamaica!
Yeah Mon...No Problem

Dunn's River Falls

Bamboo Beach

 sting rays and snorkeling in Grand Caymen

don't judge me, it was our honeymoon....

Paradise Beach

So much food... 7 pounds TOO MUCH!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Heart Hurts

As glorious as it was being sealed to Ben and Qyntn, my heart still hurts.  I am not sealed to Alyssa and Holly.  Even the thought of that brings instant tears to my eyes and hurts my heart.  I don't know if I will have the privilege of being sealed to them is this life.  I would absolutely love it if somehow I could, and I am holding on to hope that I will, but if not, I have faith that one day everything will be made right.  The Celestial kingdom just wouldn't be celestial without my girls there with me.

     "Some blessings come soon. Some come late, and some don't come till Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God."
-Jeffrey R. Holland 


"It's not a race.  It doesn't matter who gets there first.  What matters is that you get there."

It's been a long road, but we finally made it!  Today Ben and I were sealed for all eternity in the Draper temple.   For many years I held on to faith and hope that a day like this would be in our future. Today was the culmination of many, many prayers of faith.

It was the perfect day, almost.  Windy but wonderful.  Ben was ever the gentleman and looked as handsome as the first day we met.   For better lighting, we decided to do pictures before the ceremony.  Unfortunately, the second I stepped foot out of the car, all the hard work I had put into curling my hair was for naught. Wind blown and freezing we suffered through the photo shoot, but our friend Mikki still managed to get some great images.

From there, things progressed miraculously.  The older kids went off to the waiting room and we escorted Q to the youth room.  Once he saw the toy cars he was perfectly happy with us leaving him with complete strangers.

When we entered the sealing room we were surrounded by family and close friends.  Our sealer was wonderful.  He talked of how President Monson once said that the Savior walks the halls of the temples more than we realize.  As we walk in the temple, we literally walk in the footsteps of Christ.  He also spoke of the blessing of the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, how those who enter into this covenant and remain faithful, will one day live the same lifestyle and have the same quality of life as the Father.  We can become kings and queens, and rule over kingdoms. He spoke of women, the crowning creation.  He urged us to attend the temple frequently and that by so doing we would be better mothers, fathers, and spouses.

After our sealing, Qyntn was escorted into the room all dressed in white.  He was holding hands with one of the temple workers.  All eyes were on him.  I couldn't hold back tears.  My precious little boy looked so angelic, and a little nervous.  I wish I could have captured it on video.  It was so beautiful. We brought him to the alter and calmed his nerves by holding his soft, sweet hands.  As the sealer performed the ordinance, Qyntn looked directly at him, listening, as if he knew and understood exactly what was happening.  I knelt there in awe that my active little guy could hold so still and be so peaceful.  When the ordinance was over I smothered him with lots of kisses.  Then Qyntn leaned over and kissed my hand.  My heart melted, it was the sweetest thing!  Our little guy forever! There weren't many dry eyes in the room.  As we greeted each of the guests, Qyntn shook everyone's hand like a little gentleman.  Ben described Qyntn's part of our sealing as indescribable, magnificent, angelic, and unreal.

Afterward, we took some pics with everyone who came to support us...


So blessed that I get to have these two forever!   

Friday, January 22, 2016

Wish I Had a Pic!

I've got a streaker on my hands.  Today we had a play group at the church.  The kids were happily playing, I was deep in conversation with my friend, and next thing you know Q was standing in the doorway totally naked.  Wish I had a pic.  When I asked him why he took off his clothes, all he could say was, "so I did."

Bachelor Party Day!

The men found an excuse to go snowboarding for a day.. they called it Ben's bachelor party and it was an all day event.  They hit up Sundance, then had dinner at Maria Bonita, played some dodge ball and ended the day with basketball at the church.  Live it up boys, Ben's life will never be the same

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Freezey Photoshoot

"A Walk in the Clouds"
This one is Holly's favorite

When we eloped in 2010 we didn't get a single picture to capture the moment.  I didn't want to make the same mistake twice.  My friend Mikki took these for us (Mikki Grimley Photography).  It was super fun, but so cold that day!  If you look closely, you can tell that I am wearing snow boots under my dress.  

A Decade

I have had the privilege of being Alyssa's mom for a decade.  It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life!



This girl loves ham fried rice!