Friday, January 1, 2016

What I Wish For 2016

The presidency message I wrote for January is a message I want my family to read too...

Dear Sisters (and family),

My hope for you in 2016 is that you have your BEST YEAR YET!  As I look back in my life, these five things have made my life better.  I believe they will make yours better too. 

1.       Keep the spirit of Christmas with you throughout the year.  Focus on Christ, be a little more kind and loving all year long!

2.       Learn from the past, but move forward with faith.  If you made mistakes in 2015, it’s okay.  Learn from those mistakes, forgive yourself and move on with your life, never looking back!

3.       Live the Lord’s standards as found in For the Strength of Youth.  As you do, you will feel closer to your Father in Heaven, have more peace in your life, and feel more confident!

4.        Live with an attitude of gratitude.  Don’t focus on what you lack.  “Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”  This is one of the secrets to a happy life!

5.       Lose yourself in service to others.  Serve your husband, serve your kids, serve your neighbors and the sisters in our ward.  Get down on your knees and ask, “Who needs my help today?”  As you feel prompted, go and do. 

I can’t promise that you won’t have trials in 2016, you may face your greatest trials ever.  But doing these 5 things will bring an inner peace and joy to your life.  I wish this for all of you this year!!

Shannon Fuller (mom)

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