Sunday, April 16, 2017

Phase 1

It's moving day!  Phase 1 of our moving adventure is almost complete.  It hasn't been that fun, to be honest, we must have packed a thousand boxes.  But Ben used his wizardry to fit it all in the storage pod.  He utilized every square inch, he is magical!

Q loved playing around in here
Cleaning isn't fun either, ask Alyssa, but we are almost finished, yay! And several women from the neighborhood came to help.  There are angels among us!

We have been overwhelmed by the love we have been shown by our neighbors.  They brought us boxes, cookies, they have helped us pack, they have helped us move stuff, they have watched Qyntn.  One of our neighbors gave Ben and I a free massage because she wasn't going to be here to help with the move.  They even threw us a surprise farewell party last night.  We have loved this neighborhood and will miss all the friends we have made!  I feel a little bit like I did on my mission, every time I got a transfer I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out.  I will definitely be leaving a piece of my heart here in "The Garden."

At the party, each of our neighbors wrote us
a sweet note on Jenga pieces.
What a cool remembrance we will have
 of our fellow gardeners!

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