Monday, April 27, 2020

Lake Mountain Peak

It had been too long since I had been on a good hike.  There are two reasons I haven't been hiking lately, my joints (knees and hips), and my kids, they pretty much hate it.  But today I decided I was hiking Lake Mountain and nothing would stop me.  I ditched everyone and went alone.  I had no Idea how far it was to the peak, but it didn't matter, I was making it to the top.

It was not a pretty or fun hike.  It was dusty and windy, steep, rocky, cold and painful but I made it.

This was the goal!

I didn't anticipate the snow and cold

The last bit was nasty, very steep

Just a few more steps

Worth it!

The descent was especially painful,
but I caught some pretty views....
and Ben surprised me along the trail
 and hiked the last .85 with me.  My hero!

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Covid-19 is really a downer for birthdays!
 Holly decorated her own room and hallway.

At least her chocolate chocolate chip cake
Was super delicious!

We definitely had to get her the most
sought after commodity in America,
Lucky girl!

Her "real" birthday presents did not
arrive on time.  We had to improvise.

Probably the best birthday card EVER!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quarantine Ain't So Bad


We brought Halloween back!

These two put the tent up all by themselves!
Way to go

Scones are always a hit

Seriously licking the plate

Campout time!
Complete with Christmas lights.
Love it!
Viola lessons

Lots of trampoline time!

Some love from Toodles

S'mores, yum!

And daily soaking in the hot tub.

Alyssa and Holly even got to go sledding.


Ben put a lot of time and energy in to a "Funly Night" home evening.  Good Times!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

He Is Risen!

I LOVE my new Easter scene!
Each day this week we talked
about an eye witnesses to the life
 and events of Jesus during the Holy Week.
 I asked Q to place Jesus in the scene today
and love that he placed him on top of the tomb.
To me it really emphasizes that Christ
 has overcome death in triumph!  

Our city put on an Easter parade

Worldwide Day of Fasting and Prayer

The Prophet invited us to participate in a worldwide day of fasting and prayer due to Covid-19.  A missionary started a Facebook page about the event and I decided to join.  It was amazing to see the world come together.  Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Muslim, Agnostic, Athiests, Buddhists, Wiccan and many other religions joined in for this event across the world.  By the end, more than half a million people were united by love and acceptance.  It was beautiful and miraculous.  So glad I was able to be a part of this group and that our family was able to join in fasting and prayer on behalf of the world!

12/31/2020 Update:  Our fasting and prayers were answered.  Miraculously a vaccine for Covid-19 was developed in just 9 months.  In the history of medicine, rarely has a vaccine been developed in less than 5 years.  Previously the mumps vaccine was the fastest to be developed and it took 4 years.  Miracles have not ceased!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Every General Conference Sunday we gather at dad's house for brunch between sessions.  This year we had to improvise.  My sweet dad met us at the airport, Saturday night, with a bag full of food to cook for brunch the next day.  He had stores deliver food to my siblings and their family.  We weren't together in the same place, but we were still able to continue the tradition.  Love you dad.

Bicentennial Celebration of the First Vision

200 years ago a 14 year old boy entered a Grove of trees to pray vocally for the first time.  He had visited many different churches and wanted to know which of all the churches he should join.  He decided to "ask of God." In response to his prayer, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him not to join any of the churches.  This prayer was the beginning of the restoration of Christ's church on the earth.  The young boy was Joseph Smith who became the first Prophet of our dispensation.  Through him the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.

This year at General Conference we celebrated this miraculous event where a new proclamation was introduced...

As a missionary I had the opportunity to share the experience of Joseph Smith with many people.  Every time I spoke of this sacred event I felt the Holy Ghost confirm to my soul that it is true.  

I want my family to know that each one of them can gain their own testimony of these events.  Do as Joseph did, find a quiet place, your own personal sacred grove, and ask of God.   He will speak to you through the Holy Ghost.  Your answer may not come immediately, but it will come.  

One cool thing I learned as I have been studying this event is that the first vision most likely occured on March 26 (my birthday).

Sunday, April 5, 2020

🇲🇽 Day 13 (Mexico City)

After 5 canceled flights we were finally able to get out of PV and spent a night in Mexico City.  

Spent the morning in the hotel room
watching conference.

"First class it is"...we all flew
first class back to the cold.
So glad we chose to vacation in Mexico
during the Covid-19 pandemic. 
It was heavenly!

🇲🇽 Day 12 (Had The Pool to Ourselves)

We were about the last people to
leave the hotel.