Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Bicentennial Celebration of the First Vision

200 years ago a 14 year old boy entered a Grove of trees to pray vocally for the first time.  He had visited many different churches and wanted to know which of all the churches he should join.  He decided to "ask of God." In response to his prayer, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him not to join any of the churches.  This prayer was the beginning of the restoration of Christ's church on the earth.  The young boy was Joseph Smith who became the first Prophet of our dispensation.  Through him the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.

This year at General Conference we celebrated this miraculous event where a new proclamation was introduced...

As a missionary I had the opportunity to share the experience of Joseph Smith with many people.  Every time I spoke of this sacred event I felt the Holy Ghost confirm to my soul that it is true.  

I want my family to know that each one of them can gain their own testimony of these events.  Do as Joseph did, find a quiet place, your own personal sacred grove, and ask of God.   He will speak to you through the Holy Ghost.  Your answer may not come immediately, but it will come.  

One cool thing I learned as I have been studying this event is that the first vision most likely occured on March 26 (my birthday).

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