Thursday, November 26, 2020


This year the Prophet invited us to flood the internet with messages of Thanksgiving.  This was my post on day 7:

 I #givethanks  for my Heavenly Father and MY Savior Jesus Christ and for everything that has brought me closer to THEM.  They have comforted me through heart wrenching experiences.  They have strengthened me when I felt the load was too much to bear.  They have sent angels to protect me and lift me when I''ve been down.  They have performed miracles in my behalf.  Even when I have made terrible choices, they were still reaching out to me.  They have been patient and given me infinite chances to start over and do better.  I've been blessed by their love and encouragement throughout my life.  I look forward to the day when I will be reunited with them again.

The prophets and Apostles don't know it, but they are some of my very best friends.  I listen to their words almost daily.  they have gotten me through some of the most difficult times of my life.  I hear the voice of the Savior when they speak and I grow closer to HIM.

I was taught that If I want to talk to God, I should pray, if I want Him to talk to me, I should read the scriptures.  Through the Book of Mormon THEY speak to me.  Sometimes the words I read are just the answer I was looking for.  Sometimes it's just the peace that comes when I pick up the book.  There is power in the Book of Mormon.  It draws me nearer to THEM.

My mission was an incredible opportunity to draw near to THEM .  As I served I tried to say and do what they would do if they were here.  Without other responsibilities, I was able to focus completely on bringing others to Christ.  The sacred experiences I had in Argentina have anchored me to THEM.  

The moment I step foot in the Temple I feel THEIR peace.  Of course I do, it is THEIR home.  I believe Christ walks the halls of the temples more than we think.  Even when I'm just on the temple grounds I feel like I am in a sacred place.  When I perform work for those who have passed on, I feel joy.  I also feel like every time I perform a vicarious ordinance for someone on the other side,  I am amassing an army of angels to watch over me and my family.   What a blessing it was to be sealed to Ben and Qyntn in this holy place.

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