Thursday, November 12, 2020

President Donald J. Trump

4 years ago Donald J. Trump, a businessman and Washington D.C. outsider, became President of the United States of America.  I had my concerns about voting for him.  He wasn't what I considered a good role model.  His language was inappropriate at times, there were questions about his behavior toward women, and he often came off as a bully.  However, his political platform was more in line with my values, so I gave him my vote.  

He ran against Hillary Clinton, a previous first lady, senator, and secretary of state with lifelong political ambitions.  The polls showed that Hillary was poised to run away with a victory, but in an astounding turn of events, she lost, and lost big.  The liberal left and the mainstream media went into a complete meltdown and never recovered.  

Before Donald Trump was even inaugurated, the left was plotting his removal from office.  Instead of accepting the results of the election, they fought against him every. single. day.  The media constantly demonized him and spread hatred, anger and vitriol for 4 years.  They blamed him for colluding with Russia to win the election (a complete fabrication), even impeached him for it in the House.  But the conservative leaning Senate did not remove him from office.  

The amazing thing, is that President Trump fought for our country!  Against all odds, Mr. trump went to work and accomplished more than any other President in my lifetime.  He had made promises during his campaign, and kept them.  By early 2020 our economy was booming and President Trump seemed on track for an easy re-election.  Then life was turned upside down when Covid-19 hit.  Faced with a global pandemic that shut down the economy and brought death and despair to families across America, Trump was once again blamed for everything.  The left saw an opportunity to capitalize on the misfortune of the American people.

By summer of 2020, a Trump re-election seemed impossible.  Although the polls showed Mr. Biden up double digits in most polls, President Trump campaigned day and night, pulling in thousands and thousands of Trump supporters at each of his rallies. As the economy began to recover, the polls seemed to tighten, but on election night Donald Trump came up just short.  73 million Americans were deeply disappointed. The loss was hard to take, I shed a few tears for sure and then decided to share my gratitude for his service on social media... 

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

MILLIONS of Americans LOVE YOU!🇺🇲  THANK YOU for fighting day and night for the American People!  THANK YOU for not being a typical politician!  THANK YOU for DOING what you said you would DO.  Your WORK ETHIC and ENDLESS ENERGY are inspiring!  THANK YOU for using your God given TALENTS to improve the economic situation for families across America, and for fighting for trade deals that benefit our GREAT country!  THANK YOU for fighting to protect us from evil forces that conspire to destroy our freedom and prosperity.   THANK YOU for promoting PEACE across the world!  THANK YOU for fighting for the UNBORN,  RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and for standing up for our law enforcement officers in BLUE!  THANK YOU for fast tracking the process of producing and manufacturing a VACCINE for Covid-19 and for closing the border from China which saved MILLIONS of lives.  DESPITE astounding opposition from democrats, the media, big tech and others who tried to UNDERMINE your Presidency, YOU and your administration accomplished much in just 4 YEARS!   PLEASE know that we APPRECIATE your service in behalf of the United STATES of America.  

Shannon Fuller

I don't know how President Trump will be regarded throughout history.  But to me, he was a true American hero!

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