Monday, August 1, 2022

River Balsa

Costa Rica is the perfect place for white water rafting, the water is warmer than rivers around here and the jungle setting is incredible.  Ben had never been white water rafting, so I convinced the team to float the River Balsa. It was quite the adventure.  

Because there were only 6 per raft, Ben and I got put with a random couple, a trainee and our guide.  The rest of the group was in a different raft.

I have to admit, I was a little nervous.  I really wanted Ben and the rest to enjoy it.  From the first rapids, I was on cloud 9, smiling ear to ear.  Not too far down the river though, the raft tilted my way, and I slid off the raft.  My foot and legs were still in the boat, but my head and chest were under water outside the boat.  I was determined not to fall in, so I dug in my feet and the two guides grabbed my life jacket and pulled me back up.  Phew, catastrophe overted.  Then it started to rain, which seemed to make the raft extra slippery, but it was absolutely beautiful!  However a few rapids later, we hit a huge rock and got dumped into the river.  I tried to lay back, relax and point my feet downstream (as instructed), but we were still in the thick of the rapids.  I hit rock after rock got flipped over, did sommersalts and finally came up and was able to grab onto the raft.  I had been told not to grab onto the raft though, so that the guides could flip it back over, so I let go and got sucked under the raft.  For a few seconds I thought it might be the end for me, but eventually, I hit another rock and the raft floated away from me.  Still floating rapidly downstream getting pummeled by rocks, another raft offered me an oar and pulled me into their raft.  It was crazy!  I lost both shoes in the chaos, one of my toenails was almost completely ripped off, there were bumps, bruises and blood all over my lower half.  Luckily, the life vest and helmet protected my torso and head, but my back was really sore.  

Ben also got pummeled a bit, but he was able to stop himself on a rock and stand up to help flip the raft back to the right side.

Although in a lot of pain, we got back on the raft and kept going.  Getting flipped was actually quite exhilarating and I smiled and laughed the rest of the way.  Memories were made.   I had hoped that the photographer had captured some of the excitement, but I found out that he wasn't nearby when it happened. 

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