Sunday, January 4, 2015

2014 Was Truly Outrageous!

To quote my favorite fictional rock star, 2014 was "truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous!"    You've read the posts and seen the pictures, but here's a final rundown of the highlights from last year...  Qyntn was blessed by his sweet daddy, Alyssa, Holly and Tiago were baptized, Ben and I took a couple dream vacations, we were able to buy a home and, as the icing on the cake, Ben got a new job that pays a little more, and hopefully requires less travel.   WOOHOO!

We ended the year with a bang!  Karen and family came over and we danced a little, played games, ate lots of junk, wacked a piñata, and made some of noise at midnight.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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