Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Hand of God in All Things

Ben and I were recently called to teach the Sunday School class for the 14-18 year olds in our ward.  While preparing our first lesson I came across a talk by President Henry B. Eyring from October conference in 2007.  It talked about learning to recognize the hand of God in our lives and writing down the experiences we have.  I sat down and read through my journals and blog books and realize that I don't do this nearly as often as I should.  So in an attempt to do better, the following is an experience that increased my testimony that Heavenly Father knows me, loves me, and is there for me in times of trial...

Six years ago I was 3 months into my second marriage.  I was raising my two 3 year old daughters and living in the home of my 92 year old grandpa so I could help take care of him.  The phone rang one afternoon, it was the stake executive secretary.  He asked if it would be alright for the stake president to come by the next evening to visit with grandpa.  I told him that grandpa would be thrilled to have a visitor, so it was all set. 

The next afternoon I received a text from my then husband.  It said that he had decided to move out, and that he and his friends would be there at 3pm to get his stuff.  He wanted a divorce.  I could hardly breath.  We had only been married 3 months, this would be my second divorce in two years.  I was sad, and angry, and confused, and heartbroken.  He and his friends took his stuff that afternoon and left, and I sat there and hugged my little girls and cried. 

That evening there was a knock at the door.  I had completely forgotten that the Stake President was coming over.  I opened the door, invited him in, and took him to see grandpa.  He asked if I would care to sit in with them, so I did.  They had a pleasant conversation and then he said that the reason he came to visit was because he had a very strong impression that he needed to see Brother Julien.  He was a bit confused though because everything seemed fine.  Then he looked at me and started asking about my life.  I burst into tears and told him that earlier in the day my husband had moved out and that things weren't going so well.  He looked at me and said, "I know why I was sent here tonight, it was for you."   He asked if I would be interested in coming to meet with him in his office the next Sunday and I did.  We talked for a long time and he gave me a beautiful blessing which helped me feel comfort and hope. 

I know that this visit wasn't just a coincidence.  I know that it was divinely orchestrated for my benefit.  I write this blog and print out a copy every year so that our kids will have a history of our family.  This post is especially for them.  I want them to know that our Heavenly Father loves us, is mindful of us, and will, at times, send "angels" to strengthen us. 

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