Saturday, December 26, 2015

White Christmas

Christmas day was wonderful for a number of reasons...

First, it dumped on us through the night, which means we woke up to lots of fresh white snow. 

Second, I had the opportunity to see a sweet woman dressed all in white as she was baptized on Christmas morning.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate the birth of our Savior, it was beautiful!  I had been asked to do a talk on the Holy Ghost and when I realized that 90% of the people in attendance were Hispanic, I decided to switch it up and give my talk in Spanish.  I was pretty nervous, it had been a while since I had given a talk in Spanish, but it went surprisingly well. 

Third, the kids all seemed happy and GRATEFUL for what they received!


Fourth, we got to spend time with family and enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner!

Fifth, we ended the day watching The Martian, which I loved.

Q and Ayzha didn't quite make it through the movie
it was a long but lovely day!

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