Monday, March 9, 2020

Good and Great Things

When I got my patriarchal blessing, it said that I would do things that were "good and great for mankind."  For 25 years I have wondered what that meant.  I have never felt capable of doing things that are great for mankind.

Lately I have come to realize that this whole time I HAVE been doing good and great things.  Putting my all into teaching my children the gospel of Jesus Christ is a GREAT thing!  Helping to strengthen the women, young women, and children in my neighborhoods is a GREAT thing!  Bringing others to Christ is a GREAT thing!  Being involved with Hoop.Camp and other service opportunities are GREAT things.  Attending the temple to help gather Israel is a GREAT thing.  Helping Ben with Jr. Jazz is a GREAT thing.  Supporting Ben and loving him is another GREAT thing.  Contributing financially for our family, nurturing my children, reading to them, driving them to all of their activities so they can develop talents are more GREAT things.

I may not find a cure for Covid-19.  I may not be able to feed all the refugees and put a roof over the head of the homeless, but that is okay.  I can do good and great things here, now.  They may be small and simple things, but they can bring about GREAT things!

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