Thursday, March 19, 2020

Pandemic Gaming

Since we've been cooped up for several days, I've taken up pandemic gaming.  Qyntn had been begging me to play Roblox with him, so I gave it a try and got hooked. 
This is my avatar

It quickly became a family affair and lead to an all nighter.  Yes, I stayed up all night mining the sleigh in "Pet Simulator." But we witnessed a miracle.  Alyssa and I were the last ones awake.  It was 5:00 in the morning, we had been mining for 10 hours straight and were both barely able to keep our eyes open.  All of a sudden, another player joined us to slay the sleigh.  He was VIP, with the biggest, baddest pets I had seen.  The pace picked up dramatically, I felt hope that we would get to bed before 7am.  I struck up a conversation and told him our situation and thanked him for helping us.  Then I asked about his pets and the next thing you know, he gifted me one.  It was so nice! I was so happy, I wanted to cry.  I believe Alyssa and I even hugged about it (things are still a bit blurry.) By 5:30am we had finished the mining and were in bed.  

I have to admit, it was a nice bonding moment for our family, minus Holly.  But she did kinda get a kick out of the whole thing.  

I now know the power games can have and believe even more firmly that I need to guard my family from the negative effects.

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