Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 A World In Commotion

The best way I can describe the world in 2020, is commotion and calamity.  We entered the year thick in the Impeachment trial of President Trump.  It was one thing after the next from there:

-The Chinese threatened war with the US. 
-Coronavirus was released in Wuhan, China and became a global pandemic. 
-We were asked to quarantine in our homes.
-The economy plummeted while suicide rates skyrocketed.
-Toilet paper and disinfectant wipes were difficult to come by.
-Schools were shut down.  Children were forced to learn online.
-Church was canceled.  We studied scripture in families and were given special permission to participate in the sacrament at home.  Temples were closed.
-We couldn’t enter public places without wearing a mask.
-Rioting in the streets broke out due to the death of George Floyd, an African American who was killed by a white police officer. 
-There were many natural disasters; wild fires, tornados, hurricanes, a "Firenado" in California, earthquakes, a locust plague in Africa, murder hornets from China.
-There was a massive explosion in Beruit, Lebanon, airplane crashes, the assassination of a top Iranian General (and terrorist) with threats of retaliation.  
-Mainstream media spewed"fake news."  They intentionally hid stories that were not in line with their ideology or that would disparage then candidate Joe Biden.
-The Presidential election was emotionally draining. Our country became even more deeply divided, and a political puppet, Joe Biden won the election. 
-There was suspicion of rampant fraud in the election. 
Our family faced additional challenges:  

-Because airlines were shut down and then functioning at lower capacity, Ben's company nearly lost funding.  A few pay checks were late in coming and if things don't improve, he may be looking for new employment in 6 months.
-My sales slowed considerably.  Labs across the country are focused on testing for Covid-19.  Selling their used equipment is the last thing on their minds.  
-A wild fire broke out to the south of us.  Strong winds blew it north and it threatened the homes in our neighborhood.  We were evacuated.
-I broke my foot/sprained my ankle.
-Holly had MCL surgery and is still recovering.
-Ben and I both became infected with Coronavirus.  
-We were scammed.
-We faced additional financial hardship due to some unexpected legal battles over custody.
-The transmission in our car went out, an additional financial burden.  

Phew, it was one crazy year!  Could this be the beginning of the end??  Time will tell.  

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