Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christ Will Help You Through It!

Kids, I want you to know that you will go through many difficult times in your life.  If you turn to the Savior, He will help you get through them.

During one of the most difficult times in my life, I would close my eyes and see this image and then try to place all my focus on Jesus. When I allowed thoughts of all the ugly, turbulent things I was dealing with to overtake my mind I began to sink.  When my focus was on Christ I felt peace and hope.  This image has a special place in my heart.

Just after my second divorce, (in two years) I attended the Women's General Session of General Conference with a friend at her Stake Center.  At that time I felt scared and weighed down wondering how I would support my 2 beautiful 3 year old daughters and what my future would hold.  We stood to sing the rest hymn  "How Firm A Foundation."  As we started to sing the 3rd verse, I felt as if the Lord was speaking the words directly to my heart.  FEAR NOT.  I AM WITH THEE be not DISMAYED.  I AM THY GOD and will still GIVE THEE AID.  I'll STRENGTHEN thee, HELP thee and cause thee to stand UPHELD by MY righteous OMNIPOTENT HAND!  Tears streamed down my face as I felt enveloped and strengthened by HIS love.  It's still my favorite hymn.

Christ will always be there for you!

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