Monday, July 14, 2014

Without a Shower for 5 Days!

It's been a long time since I had the chance to go to girls camp.  I had forgotten how awesome it is.  I loved not really caring about how I looked, and not having to do my hair or makeup.  I didn't have to cook all week, I didn't have to worry about my kids, or referee any fights.  I received a tear-jerk letter from my husband, we sang songs, hiked, canoed, played volleyball, told stories, made up a skit, pondered the things that are really important in life, and sat by the fire.  It was great for my soul!

This year was Ayzha's first year at camp.  I loved watching her interact with the others and loved watching the unity that was built between all the girls.  Much of the time was spent sitting together at a table doing crafts, talking, and there were a lot of laughter and smiles.  Our challenge this week was to memorize the Articles of Faith.  The girls worked together to get it done and we were the first ward to have everyone pass them off (day 2).  There was very little drama from our girls, the only tears I saw were during testimony meeting, which was a powerful finale to our week. 

Canoeing was one of the highlights of the week.  We got to go twice!  The first time out I stayed relatively dry, but the second time I got soaking wet.  Some of the men, including the Stake Presidency ambushed myself and Angela (the YW President) and it turned into a water brawl.  After that we decided to get everybody else wet, it was a blast!


Another highlight was our skit, which was the best by far.  The day before our skit, during our hike, Stephanie and I had started rapping "Ice Ice Baby" and the girls thought it was so cool so they asked us to do it as part of the skit, we became the intermission.  Everybody seemed to love it, the crowd went wild for us.  Apparently we became the "cool" leaders because we could rap and were asked by some of the other girls to do an encore at lunch on our last day.  It was fun!

I'm so glad Ben was able to work from home all week and take care of things so I could go, it was such a wonderful blessing!  Yesterday I was released from YW so I don't know when or if I will have the chance to go to girls camp again, but I sure hope I do...soon!

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