Monday, July 14, 2014

We Sang in Church!

A few weeks ago sister Wirth asked if I would put together a musical number, so I asked my family if they would be willing to sing with me in sacrament meeting.  They were reluctant at first, especially Ben, but said they would.  I let the kids pick the song we would sing, they chose "A Child's Prayer."  Since we have been trying to teach our kids Spanish, I thought it would be cool to do one of the verses in Spanish.  Holly volunteered right away and Reyn said she would sing it with her.  The next few days were incredible.  I gave Holly the primary song book in Spanish and during reading time each day she and Reyn worked on learning the first verse.  They practically learned the whole thing by themselves in just 2 days.  I was super impressed. 

Yesterday our big moment arrived.  I was a bit nervous, I thought Holly and Reyn might chicken out, but they killed it!  I was kinda struggling to hold back the tears.  Then half of us sang the first part, and Ben sang with the others on the second part, and then we put the two together.  I was so proud of my little family.  I looked out at the congregation and saw many in tears, and I couldn't hold it together, which made Ben get a little teary too.  It took a me few words to compose myself but it turned out beautifully!

Afterward we had so many compliments, one gentleman said it was one of the best musical numbers he had heard in his entire life.  I asked Ben how he felt about it and he said "it was pretty awesome."  I'm so glad we got to do it, it was a great experience!

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